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Simple Seaside Style


This week’s photos are from a recent trip my children and I took to visit my grandmother, who lives on Martha’s Vineyard. This is the perfect time of year to visit there. The weather is usually beautiful, the crowds are a bit smaller than they tend to be in the peak of the tourist season, and the water is still warm enough that you can enjoy the beach.

This outfit is a very simple one, yet it very much represents my personal style. It is everyday elegance at it’s core.


I wore a simple navy long sleeved T-shirt. This shirt is so comfy and goes with anything. I bought it at a discount outlet near our home (anyone in Maine familiar with Mardens?) for a great price. It know this one is going to get a lot of use. A simple solid colored tee like this one is a wardrobe staple.

The knit maxi skirt I wore is a very simple one with an elastic waist. I’ve had this skirt for years and I don’t know what I’m going to do once it wears out, because I wear it so often! There’s something elegant about a long skirt blowing in the breeze, isn’t there?

To dress up the outfit and add a bit of interest to this very simple combination, I added a pretty light green scarf. This scarf ups the elegance factor by a lot!

Very simple stud earrings and my favorite Chloe + Isabel sunglasses round out the look.


And of course, my bare feet make the outfit beach worthy! (I wore simple navy ballet flats with this outfit when I wasn’t walking on the sand.)

What I Wore

T-shirt: Ann Taylor
Maxi skirt: Old Navy (similar)
Scarf: Walmart (similar)
Earrings: (similar)
Sunglasses: Chloe + Isabel
Ballet flats (not shown): Nine West


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5 Fall Fashion Essentials

fall fashion essentials

Fall is here in all its glory. Around here, the weather has been unseasonably warm, but still the leaves are changing and the signs of fall continue to pop up all around us. And our wardrobes, despite the warmer temperatures, are beginning to show the change in seasons.

I love fall fashion. There’s something so cozy and comfortable about the items we tend to wear in fall. Call it “sweater weather” if you will, it’s a perfect blend of crisp morning air and sunshiny afternoon warmth.

For fall, I have a few standby wardrobe items I like to keep in my closet and at the ready for those perfect autumn days.

Here are some of my personal recommendations for fall fashion essentials.


Nothing screams fall like a soft, cozy blanket scarf. Besides keeping you snuggly warm on those crisp autumn days, a scarf signals through your personal style that you are ready for the transition in the seasons. Scarves are my own favorite accessories and fall scarves are by far the best!

Here are a few options for stylish scarves that are perfect for fall.

fall scarves


A nice pair of boots is not only a stylish option in footwear, but it’s also a great way to keep your feet toasty warm as the weather cools down. High boots, low booties, or something in between—they are all great for completing many fall outfits. Boots of any kind look fabulous with a variety of outfits, whether it’s a skirt with tights or jeans and a sweater.

Try these stylish options for great looking boots.

fall boots

fall boots

fall boots


A chambray shirt is a wardrobe staple for any season, but there’s something about fall that enhances the wearability of a simple chambray button down. If you don’t already own one, go get yourself a nice quality chambray shirt to wear this fall.


Here are some to choose from.
chambray shirt

chambray shirt
chambray shirt

Another wardrobe staple that spans the seasons, a nice cardigan is the perfect transition piece. Cardigans are great for layering on those days in fall which start out cool in the mornings, then warm up by mid afternoon. Every girl should own a few in different colors.

These cardigans are especially nice choices.

fall cardigans

fall cardigans

fall cardigans


Whether it’s a blanket scarf like I mentioned above or a cozy flannel shirt, plaid is the perfect pattern for fall. Something about wearing plaid in fall just somehow feels so authentically autumn.

Get yourself some plaid here. You won’t regret it!

plaid fashion

plaid skirts

plaid shirt for fall

What are some of your favorite must have wardrobe items for fall? I’d love to hear from you, so please share in the comments below.

Please note: This post may contain affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you purchase something using one of my links.  Be assured that  I only recommend products I believe in. Your support is appreciated!




Linking up with: Modest Mondays | Hello MondayStart the Week Stylish | Watch What I am Wearing | I Will Wear What I Like |  Style Sessions | Style Swap Tuesdays | On Trend Tuesdays | Turning Heads Tuesday | What I Wore |  Style Me Wednesday | Color and Grace | Who’s Wearing What Wednesday |  Style Spotlight | Thursday Fashion Files | Thursday ModaNo Rules Weekend Blog Party | Friday’s Fab Favorites | Fun Fashion  | Fancy Friday | Fabulous Friday | Fashion Friday | Weekend Wear Linkup

Organize Your Wardrobe in Five Easy Steps

The following article is a guest post by Demi Giles of CleanStart Cleaning Service, a UK based cleaning company.

organize your wardrobe in five easy steps

Organize Your Wardrobe in Five Easy Steps

Organizing the wardrobe is not an easy thing to do. After a while there are more and more clothes that we just throw in our wardrobe and there comes a moment when we are facing the problem of not being able to find the item of clothing that we want to wear or there is no place to hang our new clothes. Don’t worry, there are a few easy steps that you can follow to organize and make clean your wardrobe.

1. Make the decision to organize

You might feel unmotivated to tidy up and clean your wardrobe but if you have gotten to the point where you can’t find that favourite shirt of yours or you bought a few new clothes and you cannot find any space to put them in, you are in a desperate need of a change in your wardrobe.

2. Take out everything

The most reliable way to do a proper organizing is to clean the entire inside of your wardrobe. Take out all the clothes and wipe the inside of the closet with a clean cloth. Now you can start with the actual organizing.

3. Take a good look around

We are all guilty of keeping clothes that we might never wear again but we just can’t bring ourselves to throw them away. However, there is no point in keeping useless clothing items which only make the clutter in your closet even bigger. Look around and decide which clothes you are actually wearing and which haven’t been worn in the last few years.

Of course there are seasonal clothes which you don’t have to throw away just because you are not wearing them now but I am sure that there are certain things you wear all the time and there are clothes which haven’t left the premises of your home in a long time. You can always sell or donate your old clothes when you want to get rid of them.

4. Organize for easy access

When you have finally decided which clothes you are keeping and which you are throwing away or donating, the time to finally put the clothes back in the wardrobe has come. If you put your clothes in order the clutter in your closet is bound to be more manageable. An easy trick to do a proper organizing is to keep the clothing items that you use often on your eye-level. This will give you a quick and easy access to clothes you wear every day.

The seasonal clothes which you are not wearing right now and the clothing items you keep only for certain occasions, you can stack them below your eye level and if there are still items you decide to keep but you don’t intend to use soon, you can put them up high.

5. Re-organize your wardrobe at the end of every season

A good way to keep your wardrobe in check is to do a re-organizing and cleaning by the end of every season. That way you can put away the clothes you won’t be wearing for the next few months and you will make space for the ones you are going to need this season.

Organizing and cleaning your closet is not that difficult. The one thing you should keep in mind is that you should be realistic and really keep only the clothes you are wearing for sure. That way you can avoid the clutter and you will be able to find your clothes much easier and faster. If you follow these few simple steps your wardrobe is going to look tidy in no time.

Summer 2017 Lifestyle Favorites

Since starting this blog almost a year ago, each season I have shared a short list of all the things I’m especially loving lately. I really love sharing my lifestyle favorites each season. It’s a fun chance to look over the season and how I’ve passed my time and used my energy.

Since it’s coming to the end of the summer season and fall is just around the corner, it’s time for another lifestyle favorites post.

So, without further ado, here are my lifestyle favorites for summer 2017….


Podcast—What Should I Read Next?

I’ve recently discovered the delightful world of podcasts. If you’re not listening to podcasts, you should be. There are several I enjoy enough to subscribe to. My favorite of all the podcasts I listen to regularly is “What Should I Read Next?” with Anne Bogel. Anne has a blog and started the podcast as a spinoff of that. If you like book recommendations from a fellow bibliophile as much as I do, you’ll love this podcast. (Just search for “What Should I Read Next” on iTunes.)


the happiness project book

The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin

I’ve just finished reading this book, and I found it insightful and encouraging. If you’ve ever felt like your life was great but you just weren’t enjoying it as much as you could or should, this book is for you. The basic premise is that the author went on a year long journey to find out what made her happy. What she discovers about herself, and about happiness in general, is fascinating.

Beauty/Personal Care

tree hut sugar scrub

Tree Hut Sugar Scrub

I’ve been using the Tree Hut Sugar Scrubs for a while, but I don’t believe I’ve ever mentioned them in one of my favorites list before, so I thought I would now. I love these scrubs. They are perfect for using in the shower. They smell great and really do the job of exfoliating. And the ingredients list isn’t too scary, either, which is always a plus. My current favorite scent is the coconut lime, though the honey almond is lovely, too.


Michael Stars Ruana

This scarf/poncho/sarong came in my Fab Fit Fun Summer box. I like the monochromatic gray color scheme—it goes well with a lot of my wardrobe. It’s light and flowy and makes a nice accessory to dress up a simple outfit. I like to wear mine with a plain knit dress or t-shirt and pencil skirt.


the republic of tea earl greyer tea

Earl Greyer Tea from The Republic of Tea

I am a huge Republic of Tea fan. I do not get any compensation for talking about them all the time—I just really love their teas. The variety of flavors is impressive and the quality is amazing. Recently, I tried their version of the classic Earl Grey and I loved it. It’s smooth and flavorful with just the right hint of bergamot and orange. It’s especially delicious with a splash of cream and a sprinkle of sugar or stevia.


canvas factory print

Canvas Factory 16”X20” Photo Print Canvas

Last but not least, to wrap up this favorites list, I want to share my recent Canvas Factory print. I love using Canvas Factory to print some of my favorite photos. Their quality is excellent and their customer service is great. The process of designing the canvas is easy and fun. It’s also convenient and the prints always ship quickly. I’ve had a great experience every time I’ve used Canvas Factory.

I just received another photo canvas from them, and I’m so pleased with how it turned out, I just had to add it to my favorites list! This photo canvas is going to look amazing over the sofa in my den. The photo itself has special meaning to me—it is of one of my favorite spots on the Maine coast, a place we love to visit as a family. The room I plan to hang it in has a slightly rustic feel, so it will go perfectly with the design.

It’s giveaway time!

canvas factory giveaway

Recently, the folks at Canvas Factory reached out to me and asked if I would be interested in offering a giveaway to my blog readers (that’s you!). Of course, I said “Yes, please”! You may remember a similar giveaway I hosted a while back. I’m exited to offer one again!

To enter the giveaway to receive your own 16” x 20” canvas print (of a photo of your choice), use the Rafflecopter widget below. This giveaway will run for one week. It is open to those in the U.S. and Canada only.

What have you been loving lately? Leave a comment and let me know what your current favorites are.

Please note: This post may contain affiliate links. This means I may earn a commission (at no extra cost to you) if you purchase something using one of my links.  Be assured that  I only recommend products I believe in. Your support is appreciated!

Living With Child Loss

living with child loss


**Note to the reader**This blog post is of a much more personal nature than I generally share here. I felt compelled to open up and share with you an experience that has been central in shaping my life over the last six years. My hope is that those reading it will find comfort, encouragement, and the knowledge that if you are walking a similar path to the one I have trod, you are not alone. There have been moments over the past six years that I have needed blog posts like this one. If you, like me, have come upon this post at time when your heart is broken and crying out for hope and peace, my heart goes out to yours.



Tomorrow is a day which will forever mark the “Before” and the “After” of my life. My life is divided into two sections: Before September 2, 2011 and After September 2, 2011. Six years ago—on that date—I was separated from a piece of my heart, and I have been forever changed by that.

Six years ago, on a day when the sun shone brightly upon the world, people all over went about their day-to-day lives without a thought to how someone else’s world might be turning upside down. On that day, my husband and I sat in a hospital room, surrounded by our children, holding the lifeless body of our daughter.

I, like so many others who have lived the unthinkable, am the face of child loss.

Each year, I mark September 2 as one more year gone by without my sweet little girl.

One more year of what ifs and might-have-beens.

One more year of counting the milestones that will never take place.

My daughter would officially be starting school this year. I can’t help but wonder, would she struggle to learn to read, or would it come easily for her? What would her favorite color be? Would she draw me pictures of flowers, or would it be horses?

I also wonder what sort of person I would be if I had not lost one of the things most precious in the world to me. Would I still be as naive as I once was? Would I have the same kind of gut-wrenching empathy I have now? Scars, even ugly, heartrending ones, can be beautiful when allowed to be healed by the loving touch of a compassionate God, a Father who Himself knows all too well the pain of child loss.

Statics say the exact kind of loss I have experienced is 1 out of 100. Does that make the loss any easier? In the case of my daughter’s life, her loss was 1 out of 1.

Being a statistic is never an easy fate. This calling God has placed on my life to walk this road of loss and grief is hard one—a “severe mercy” as C.S. Lewis once said.

Even six years later, though the raw emotions have settled into a quiet acceptance and the grief has given way to joy, there is still an empty spot at our dinner table. When I count my children, I always feel as thought I am missing someone…because I am.

The saying goes “time heals all wounds,” which I suppose is true in most cases. There are many trials in life that, when they have passed, you move on from and are stronger because of, and healing comes and you know you are better for having gone through them. While child loss is similar in some of those ways—you do experience a kind of healing and it can make you a stronger person—it is one trial that you never, ever “get over.”

Walking the road of a bereaved parent is a life long journey. A part of who you are is closely tied to what you have lost.

Our living children are a little piece of our hearts walking around in this world. When a parent has lost a child, a piece of our hearts is missing from this world. And no matter how old that child was at the time of loss, all bereaved parents know exactly how old our child would be now.

There is hope in child loss. There is healing and rebuilding of a life beyond the loss. But nothing is ever the same, nor would we want it to be. We can move on and continue to live, knowing we are honoring our child’s life by fully embracing our own and living it to it’s fullest.

Yet, always in the depths of our heart, we will have an empty place only our child could fill. Always in the back our our minds, we will wonder what life might have been like if they were still here.

I trust a sovereign, righteous, and loving God. I know without a doubt that He does what He deems best for His children. There is great peace in knowing that even though I wish my little girl were still alive, He has a perfect plan I can’t see or understand yet.

There is also great hope in knowing there is a place of beauty and perfection where my daughter waits for me and her daddy. She’s gone on ahead of us, but we’ll catch up soon enough.

Irrevocably, I have become the person I am because of what I have lost.

That is a part of His plan as well, and I am grateful.

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