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Well, hello there! It’s been a while, hasn’t it? I’m a little embarrassed by how long it has been since I shared a post here. *Blushing*

I thought it was high time to give you a little life update and explain my lengthy absence from this blog. Although I absolutely love blogging, I found it necessary to take a break from it for a time because other things in my life had to take priority. While this made me sad, it was unavoidable. 

I am glad to be back here once again and sharing some of the exciting things happening in my life right now. To bring you up to speed, I published my second book last fall. You can check it out right here, if you would like to see what it’s about. I have had so much fun fulfilling my dream of becoming an author. I have two more novels in the works right now, and both are scheduled to be released this year! I am super excited to launch these books—I had so much fun writing them, and I am sure you will have fun reading them! They are Book 3 and Book 4 in my Cottage City Chronicles Series. They continue the story of the Holbrook and Hanson families begun in Books 1 and 2.  I’ll keep you posted as the launch dates draw nearer.

Okay, so while news of my upcoming books is HUGE, I have something that I think is even BIGGER to share with you. This news will give me plenty of things to talk about on the blog for next several months (maybe even longer!)

Drum roll please…

I am expecting a new baby!

This baby will bring the grand total of offspring in our house to 9! Yes, you read that right. I will very soon be the mother of 9 children!

I feel so overwhelmed with blessings right now. God has been so good to me. My heart is filled with thanksgiving to Him for all He has done in my life.


The blog will take a slightly different turn over the next few months. I will continue to share outfit posts (pregnancy addition!), though maybe not with the same frequency. We’ll see how enormous and unattractive I feel and go from there. M’kay?

I also feel compelled to get a little more personal here than I have in the past. When I first started this blog, I did it as a creative outlet and a way to ease myself into writing on a more regular basis. I chose topics that were surface topics—nothing too deep or challenging. Honestly, I was afraid to go any deeper. The last two years have taught me a lot about myself and writing and publishing books has challenged me to face some deep seated fears that ran down to the core of who I was. In facing those fears and overcoming them, I learned that I am stronger than I thought I was. I have also learned that the reality of something you fear is never quite as scary as you imagine it to be. 

Oddly enough, starting this blog and writing my books has shown me things about myself I never knew. I have seen myself in a new light and am learning and being challenged to grow into a better version of myself. It has been life-changing, to say the least. It hasn’t been all roses, that’s for sure, but it has been GOOD. I am so, so glad I took that first step and faced those fears. 

In closing, here’s what you can expect from me in the future:

More info about my upcoming novels

Information on the nonfiction book I am working on as well—if you are a mom with boys, this one’s for you!

Pregnancy and postpartum outfit posts—I can’t promise these will be regular, but I will do what I can

Monthly favorites

Book reviews and recommendations

Thoughts on motherhood, writing, large family life, and other stuff

If there are any topics you would like to see me cover, please leave a comment below!

If that sounds good to you, feel free to sign up for my email list. I won’t flood your inbox—I promise. I will only email you to let you know when I share a new blog post or when I have some really crazy exciting news to tell you (like when I have the baby!).

You can also follow me on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to keep up with what’s going on in my life. My absolute favorite place online to be right now is Instagram, so that’s where you will find me at my most interesting. 🙂

Thanks for making it to the end of this long and rambling blog post. Talk to you again very soon!

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