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Currently, at this point in my pregnancy, I am about six months along, which is always an interesting place to be style-wise. It just happens to coincide with the most challenging time of year as far as clothing choices go. Up here in Northern New England, we are transitioning to spring. If you know anything about New England weather, you know that it is notoriously unpredictable, especially in springtime. One day it will be raining with a high of 45 degrees, the next day it will be sunny and 65. All of which makes for style related challenges. Add to that the fact that I am pregnant and that most of my maternity clothes are designed for warm weather (my last three babies were all born in August or September) and I end up standing in my closet, scratching my head every morning, wondering what I am going to put on for the day.


At any rate, leggings and dresses or long tunics have been a staple of this particular pregnancy, as have maxi dresses. Today’s outfit is an example of this. I’m not sure how stylish I’m looking these days, but at least I am still trying.

What I Wore

Chambray dress–Motherhood Maternity
Earrings–Amazon Collection
Necklace–Chloe & Isabel

I love chambray and I feel like it is a wardrobe stable. You can’t go wrong when choosing a good chambray dress or button down shirt. My navy flats are my favorite shoes and the ones I wear the most, especially now that wearing heels is too uncomfortable for my lower back. Tieks are the most comfortable shoes I have ever owned, and if I had my way, I would own dozens of them!

Do you have any advice for this weary mama who can’t seem to find anything to wear that plays well with this crazy New England spring weather? Feel free to leave a comment below!

(Note: this post may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission when you click on them. Rest assured, I only share links to products I use and love.)

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