
It’s official. Fall is here! It’s time to decorate!

Inspiration for autumn decor is all around us this time of year. Simply stepping outside can give me a flood of ideas for bringing the autumn theme into the decor of my home. Like many people, I consider autumn to be my favorite time of year. I love to see the leaves change colors and feel the air turn cool and crisp. The hills around our home are splashed with autumnal brilliance. Then the ground is slowly covered in red and yellow confetti as the foliage begins to fall from the trees. It’s exhilarating!

The Mantle

As excited as I am for fall decor, I like to keep my holiday decorating fairly simple. I prefer to use a handful of carefully chosen decorations to bring the autumn theme to life. The mantle is always a good place to start.


I’ve had these votive holders and silk leaf wreaths for a few years now, and every year when I pull them back out, they still look great. So, I keep using them year after year. Don’t you love decorations like that?


The Dining Table

Because there are 10 people sitting around our dining table each night, I try to keep the centerpiece fairly easy to move. Who wants to spent time removing and replacing an elaborate table scape two are three times a day? Not me. This simple fall centerpiece consists of a pretty painted pitcher with some silk flowers and leaves displayed in it and a cloth napkin spread underneath. The napkin has pictures of pumpkins, leaves, and acorns embossed into its fall color scheme of rust brown, burgundy, and dark green. (Please excuse the smudges on the french doors in the background. Did I mention that I have 8 kids? The equals lots of fingers making prints on my windows.)


The Kitchen Island

I love the fact that so many typical fall decorations can be found for free. This line of artfully displayed pumpkins was harvested right out of our own garden. And it sets the perfect autumn mood, don’t you think?


The Front Door

We can’t neglect the outdoor decorations, which are my personal favorite. I love pulling into my driveway after being away from home (no matter how long I’ve been gone), to be greeted by several happy, round, orange pumpkins by the front door.


I just love to see a fall wreath hanging on the door. The wreath on my door this year is very simple (in keeping with the rest of my decor theme), but it stills gives a nice impact. It is made up of a grapevine wreath as the base with autumn colored florals adorning the top. So cozy and inviting! Can’t you just smell the hot apple cider simmering on the stove?

What is your favorite way to decorate for fall? Feel free to leave a comment below sharing your autumn decor tips.

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